Expired SSL certificate

Oops! We didn’t update our SSL certificate before it expired. This means you will get a warning in your web browser when you try to access our wiki or forum.

We were already working on getting a new SSL certificate - please bear with us. We are waiting on the issuer (GlobalSign) to respond.

Until then, if you use Firefox...

Written on April 6, 2015
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Manjaro Update 2015-04-06 (stable)

We are happy to announce our sixth update for Manjaro 0.8.12.

This time we updated linux310, linux313, linux314, linux316, linux318 and linux319. lightdm got updated to 1.14.0. Plasma5 is now at 5.2.2. Also we updated php, python2, uwsgi, mingw and xf86-drivers. Pamac 2.2.2-1 fixes issue #37 we had with AUR updates. Octopi is now at 0.7.0rc1. Firefox 37.01 and...

Written on April 6, 2015
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Old habits die hard ...

Most of you guys are now on vacation due eastern. Well, having some free time I was able to do a little coding-marathon. Within the last 24 hours I was able to implement some new features into Thus …

New features and enhancements

  • LUKS support in advanced mode (manual partitioning)
  • Bootloader installation is now optional in...
    Written on April 4, 2015
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Manjaro KDE 0.9.0-pre5 edition released

After one week of development we are proud to present to you another preview of our next stable release, Manjaro 0.9.0. This time we ship Plasma 5.2.1, KDE Frameworks 5.8.0 (which fixes issues we had in VirtualBox and VMware) and latest KDE Apps 14.12.3!

With this new release of Plasma 5 providing a visually updated core desktop...

Written on March 22, 2015
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