Calamares 1.0 released

The Calamares team and Blue Systems are proud to announce the immediate availability of Calamares 1.0.

Calamares is a distribution independent installer framework. The initial idea for Calamares popped up in May 2014, less than a year ago, and out of frustration: many successful independent Linux distributions came with lackluster installers, and all of these...

Written on January 31, 2015
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Manjaro XFCE 0.9.0-pre2 edition released

Another week, another preview of our next stable release 0.9.0. Hopefully we will release Manjaro 0.9.0 by end of February. Next week you can use 0.8.12 as your install media until we have ironed out all issues you may find in this release. This build feels more feature complete and reflects almost the look and feel we...

Written on January 25, 2015
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Manjaro 0.8.12-rc1 released

With this release we have focused our efforts, bringing more attention to the common core requirements of Manjaro’s broad user-base.

The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. We ship components from the Xfce 4.11 series after having...

Written on January 23, 2015
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Manjaro KDE Plasma 5 0.9.0-pre1 edition released

Manjaro would like to present our first public release version of Manjaro KDE Plasma 5 Desktop (Bellatrix 0.9.0) to it’s users to test with our new Qt5/python3 based installer named Calamares.

With this new release of Plasma 5 KDE is providing a visually updated core desktop experience that is easy to use and familiar to the...

Written on January 21, 2015
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