Manjaro Update 2015-07-06 (stable)

We are happy to announce our third update for Manjaro 0.8.13.

This time we released manjaro-tools 0.9.10 with several fixes. This introduces manjaro-chroot automount feature.

We fixed some legacy nvidia drivers for linux318 (x86_64), updated KDE-Apps to 15.04.3, bumped LibreOffice to 4.4.4, added some newer Gnome packages, fixed Xorg-Server, released Cinnamon 2.6.12, Mate 1.10.0 and Plasma5 5.3.2. We have...

Written on July 6, 2015
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Manjaro Update 2015-06-29 (stable)

We are happy to announce our second update for Manjaro 0.8.13.

This time we updated again almost all kernels we support. Finally we have Linux 4.1.0 LTS in the pack. With Budgie 8.2 we offer you another way to use your computer with a nice lightweight GTK3 desktop similar to Gnome.

We pulled some needed patches into Octopi 0.7.0, which...

Written on June 29, 2015
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Manjaro Cinnamon 0.8.13 released

The Manjaro Community is proud to present to you our Cinnamon 2.6 Edition.

New features and enhancements

  • Cinnamon 2.6
    • Latest cinnamon version
  • Desktop freezes
    • On supported hardware Cinnamon now uses a newer “cogl” API. This change is known to prevent some of the causes of desktop freezes I observed in earlier...
      Written on June 27, 2015
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Manjaro Update 2015-06-22 (stable)

We are happy to announce our first update for Manjaro 0.8.13.

One week passed after we released Manjaro 0.8.13 to the public. We had already over 38.900 downloads so far. With almost 23.000 downloads just for or Xfce edition we see that we did a great job on our flagship edition. Still we had over 12.600 downloads for KDE5 so...

Written on June 22, 2015
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