Manjaro KDE Plasma 5 0.9.0-pre1 edition released

Manjaro would like to present our first public release version of Manjaro KDE Plasma 5 Desktop (Bellatrix 0.9.0) to it’s users to test with our new Qt5/python3 based installer named Calamares.

With this new release of Plasma 5 KDE is providing a visually updated core desktop experience that is easy to use and familiar to the user. Changes under the hood of KDE include the migration to a new, fully hardware-accelerated graphics stack centered around an OpenGL(ES) scenegraph. Plasma is built using Qt 5 and Frameworks 5. Plasma 5.0 introduces a new major version of KDE’s workspace offering.

The Manjaro Art Team has forked the new KDE Breeze set and named it Menda to follow in line with the rest of our visually appealing desktops. The Menda theme set is fully compatible with KDE’s new Look And Feel theme changer. This artwork concept introduces cleaner visuals and improved readability.

This release comes with pacman 4.2, linux318 kernel, Plasma Desktop 5.2 & Frameworks 5.7 beta.. Unstable branch was used to create this install media. Please give us feedback and report any issues with this release

kind regards

Lane Wiscombe Manjaro KDE Development Team

Special thanks

  • KDE
  • Beta Testers
  • Spatry @ our Plasma 5 beta packages host provider.
Written on January 21, 2015