Welcome to the official Manjaro Linux ISO-image page. Here you will find the latest releases for download as ISO images.
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Both 32 and 64 bit versions of Manjaro are available in the following flavours (i.e. with the following desktop environments pre-installed):
- manjaro-xfce-15.09-x86_64.iso
SHA1SUM: 3f69de2a01bfff7ad187c3e13de6147c801663b7
- manjaro-xfce-15.09-i686.iso
SHA1SUM: 57d2591562dcf6ec260328cfbf4dd09dd59a6259
- manjaro-kde-15.09-x86_64.iso
SHA1SUM: 1c03a201b7ab69c834105809cba6d972638d294f
- manjaro-kde-15.09-i686.iso
SHA1SUM: 9784b3b1551d8c5aec73342a7973e7bfa6e1a0fc
The NET edition of Manjaro provides a base installation without a pre-installed display manager, desktop environment, or any desktop software applications. It allows you to build your own version of Manjaro from the ground up.
- manjaro-net-15.09-x86_64.iso
SHA1SUM: c54470171d9a935f3cd0dfca4c4bfe43af9ea434
- manjaro-net-15.09-i686.iso
SHA1SUM: f4901a70077e3901d731b3bc69f744dba7195850
Other flavours
Cinnamon, Enlightenment, Fluxbox, Gnome, i3, LXDE, LXQT, MATE, Netbook, Openbox and PekWM can be installed from our Community Editions released when ready.
Razor-QT and other window-managers are also available for installation from the Official Manjaro repositories.
Manjaro Stable repository | Manjaro Testbuilds repository