Manjaro Development-Builds out for testing

Each year you get one year older. Today, with 33 years young, I present to you some of my latest development builds of Manjaro Linux.

Some of you might already know: We are planning to release another Manjaro 0.8.x edition. Therefor we joined up once again with the fine folks from Antergos. Together we updated Thus to support luks encryption also in advanced installation mode. Our artwork-team updated the look and feel of our beloved Linux distribution. Please grab the latest Manjaro 0.8.13 dev-build and test it thru and thru. Feedback is really appreciated.

So what happend to Manjaro 0.9.x edition some might ask now ?!? It is still there and get updated on regular bases. Lot of work went into the new summary page within Calamares. BlueSystems and the fine folks of the Calamares Team did a great job in fixing issues and adding wanted features by the community. This is a great way to compare both install-medias. Manjaro 0.9.0 dev-build only uses Linux 4.0 and Calamares, everything else is exactly the same thing.

Give both install-medias a try and tell us what you think about it so far …

Kind regards, Philip Müller

Written on April 15, 2015