Manjaro Update - 2015-01-08 (testing)
We are happy to announce our fifth review cycle for Manjaro 0.8.11.
With this update we have pacman 4.2, pamac 2.1, package-query 1.5 and pyalpm 0.7. Also we can present kodi 14.0, which replaces XBMC. Beside the change to pacman 4.2, we have our first stable release of manjaro-tools - a replacment for manjaroiso and devtools. Some of our developers are already testing these new tools. If you like, test them too. We have a great wiki documentation for it.
Please use pacman for updating. We also want to know, if Octopi still works.
This includes also regular Archlinux upstream fixes (Jan 8 19:21:52 CET 2015). Please give us feedback and report any findings with this update.
kind regards
the Manjaro Development Team
Upstream package changes
- community i686: 286 new and 238 removed package(s)
- multilib x86_64: 5 new and 5 removed package(s)
- core x86_64: 4 new and 4 removed package(s)
- core i686: 4 new and 4 removed package(s)
- extra i686: 93 new and 95 removed package(s)
- extra x86_64: 93 new and 95 removed package(s)
- community x86_64: 286 new and 238 removed package(s)
Manjaro package changes
- community i686: 20 new and 17 removed package(s)
- core x86_64: 3 new and 3 removed package(s)
- core i686: 3 new and 3 removed package(s)
- extra i686: 7 new and 11 removed package(s)
- extra x86_64: 7 new and 11 removed package(s)
- community x86_64: 20 new and 17 removed package(s)
Current supported kernels
- Linux310 3.10.63
- Linux312 3.12.35
- Linux313
- Linux314 3.14.27
- Linux316
- Linux317 3.17.7
- Linux318 3.18.1
Written on January 8, 2015