Manjaro Update 2015-07-06 (stable)
We are happy to announce our third update for Manjaro 0.8.13.
This time we released manjaro-tools 0.9.10 with several fixes. This introduces manjaro-chroot automount feature.
We fixed some legacy nvidia drivers for linux318 (x86_64), updated KDE-Apps to 15.04.3, bumped LibreOffice to 4.4.4, added some newer Gnome packages, fixed Xorg-Server, released Cinnamon 2.6.12, Mate 1.10.0 and Plasma5 5.3.2. We have mesa now at 10.6.1, patched gcc5 5.1.0, updated kernels and a bunch of rebuilds.
To round-up our update we fixed steam-manjaro client, pushed out some updates for eric, python and some needed repacks.
It is always good to check for updated packages, even we don’t notify you about them. As usual people using our testing branch will help us to get snaps over to our stable branch almost smoothly. For notifications on daily bases please take a look at our mailing list.
As regular, this update includes also regular Archlinux upstream fixes (Sun Jul 5 22:00:21 CEST 2015).
Please give us feedback and report any findings with this update. We might push this update on Monday to our stable branch.
Kind regards, Philip Müller and the Manjaro Development Team
Current supported kernels
- Linux310 3.10.83
- Linux312 3.12.44
- Linux313
- Linux314 3.14.47
- Linux316
- Linux318 3.18.17
- Linux319
- Linux40 4.0.7
- Linux41 4.1.1
Package changes
- community i686: 363 new and 361 removed package(s)
- community x86_64: 365 new and 363 removed package(s)
- core i686: 29 new and 29 removed package(s)
- core x86_64: 29 new and 29 removed package(s)
- extra i686: 649 new and 650 removed package(s)
- extra x86_64: 649 new and 650 removed package(s)
- multilib x86_64: 18 new and 18 removed package(s)