Manjaro Update 2015-08-03 (stable)

We are happy to announce our seventh update for Manjaro 0.8.13.

With this we updated nvidia to 352.30, linux312 to 3.12.45, linux313 to, mesa to 10.6.3, wine to 1.7.48, systemd to v223, os-prober to v1.66, LibreOffice to 4.4.5, some Gnome packages and libraries for python.

Additionally we fixed some issues within manjaro-tools and refreshed our mirrorlist. As regular, this...

Written on August 3, 2015
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Manjaro Update 2015-07-26 (stable)

We are happy to announce our sixth update for Manjaro 0.8.13.

Due a special request by Netrunner-OS we released it on Sunday.

With this we updated most of our kernels (incl. fixing 4.1 for AMD i686), bumped Virtualbox to 5.0, released kodi 15.0, gcc 5.2, pushed out some i3, gnome, mate, openjdk, python updates, fixes to pacman and chromium.


Written on July 26, 2015
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Manjaro Update 2015-07-20 (stable)

We are happy to announce our fifth update for Manjaro 0.8.13.

With this we updated to Lumina Desktop 0.8.5, Mate 1.10.1, Cinnamon 2.6.13, Calamares 1.1.2, QT 5.5 incl. fixes for Plasma5, kernel, systemd v222, clang 3.6.2 and bugfixed xorg-server 1.17.2. Budige desktop got updated, flashplugin fixed, lots of consolekit package updates and other small fixes.

To track the development...

Written on July 20, 2015
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Manjaro Update 2015-07-13 (stable)

We are happy to announce our fourth update for Manjaro 0.8.13.

We added some patches to Calamares 1.1.1 pushed some regular updates, released Catalyst 15.20.1046, Calligra 2.9.6, flashplugin and added new features to Octopi 0.7.0, updated thunderbird, most of our kernels and pushed out Plasma 5.12.

This update pack comes also with manjaro-tools 0.9.11 which mostly fixes or adds...

Written on July 13, 2015
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